Removing offline access

Careful about removing this, as there is no real downside to having your application available when the users network connection isn't perfect.

To remove offline capability, delete the offline-plugin from the [package.json](../../package.json), remove the import of the plugin in [app.js](../../app/app.js) and remove the plugin from the [](../../internals/webpack/

Removing add to homescreen functionality

Delete [manifest.json](../../app/manifest.json) and remove the <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json"> tag from the [index.html](../../app/index.html).

Removing performant web font loading

Careful about removing this, as perceived performance might be highly impacted.

To remove FontFaceObserver, don't import it in [app.js](../../app/app.js) and remove it from the [package.json](../../package.json).

Removing image optimization

To remove image optimization, delete the image-webpack-loader from the [package.json](../../package.json), and remove the image-loader from [webpack.base.babel.js](../../internals/webpack/webpack.base.babel.js):

  test: /\.(jpg|png|gif)$/,
  loaders: [
    'image-webpack?{progressive:true, optimizationLevel: 7, interlaced: false, pngquant:{quality: "65-90", speed: 4}}',

Then replace it with classic file-loader:

  test: /\.(jpg|png|gif)$/,
  loader: 'file-loader',